Education, Career and Personal Development

Upskilling: An opportunity during crisis

Published by: SkillsFuture Singapore

One big thing that the COVID-19 crisis has taught us is that things can change in the blink of an eye. In the scramble to convert to work-from-home processes while the world hunkers down for a pandemic, it is not unusual if you are feeling adrift.

Many are struggling with changes to workflow processes or the need to adapt to remote working technology. What skills do you need to acquire to remain competitive and efficient in the wake of a jolt to your professional life?

Here are four ways to approach upskilling amid a crisis.

Take stock of where you are
Sit down and map out where you are in your career and where you want to be five or ten years from now. Consider what your peers are doing and what steps they are taking to improve themselves. Beyond that, think about what your mentors are proficient in — their capabilities can become goals to be aimed for.

If you are not sure how to benchmark yourself, the TechSkills Accelerator might help: it guides both fresh and mature professionals looking to upskill in a fast-paced digital economy.

The courses on offer give you a glimpse of what skills are in demand now and those needed in the near future. Programmes range from on-the-job structured training programmes to course and certification fee subsidies.

Reflect on how the COVID-19 crisis has reshaped your world
While some industries have flagged in the wake of COVID-19, there has been a boom in others — food and grocery delivery services, for example, have been rapidly expanding to keep up with demand.

Business owners are learning to pivot online and to deliver their products and services through innovative ways: think Zoom workout classes, DIY baking boxes and bottled cocktails for delivery.

Responding to these changes means identifying what new capacities you need to build to ensure continued adaptability in a digital economy. Supply chain management, data analytics and visualisation, digital content creation, and proficiency with e-payment platforms are all good places to start. Check out MySkillsFuture’s online courses to jump right in.

Seize the opportunity to gain new perspectives
Upskilling needs to be supported by your ability to adapt, think creatively, and remain agile in times of uncertainty. These traits can only be cultivated by broadening your perspectives and acquiring new ways of seeing the world.

Pick up a book that sparks your interest: through the Overdrive app, you can gain access to NLB’s entire e-book collection for free. Go beyond industry tomes — pick up an inspiring memoir or dive deep into a novel.

If reading is not your thing, now is the perfect time to try out some new podcasts. Alternatively, check out SkillsFuture Singapore’s Job-Skills Insights webinar series on the future of work — perfect for the learner who is more inclined towards the auditory and the visual.

For inspiration, browse the 2,000+ curated courses specifically to fill the niches that have sprung up because of COVID-19: sustainable agriculture, augmented reality apps and cold chain technology might pique your interest and become a doorway to understanding new worlds.

Gaining new knowledge is a sure way of ensuring you are up-to-date with all the latest happenings and keeps you competitive no matter where you are.

Remember that you are more than just a worker
While this crisis may bring present pressures, the best way out is to set your mind on the long-term. Take this chance to discover a new passion or revisit past interests. What do you love to do? What do you want to learn more about? What brings you comfort or joy?

You would be surprised at what is on offer at MySkillsFuture. Your interest for embroidery or interest in pet grooming might eventually lead to something more, whether a lifelong passion or a potential career. Remember that this too shall pass, but that knowledge is forever and having a lifelong learning mindset is key.

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Last updated on 05 May 2021