Education, Career and Personal Development

Courses to Support Caregivers Training

Published by: SkillsFuture Singapore

Receiving news that your loved one is sick is devastating. As you take on the role of a caregiver, you may find yourself not equipped with the skills, knowledge and mental strength to manage the caregiving responsibility.

To help you prepare for and cope with this journey, the Agency for Integrated Care (AIC) and SkillsFuture Singapore (SSG) have put together the AIC-SSG Caregivers Training Catalogue to guide you in finding suitable courses to pick up relevant caregiving skills.

Based on the AIC Family Caregiving Proficiency Framework, the courses in the catalogue are focused on two stages: care management and care delivery. Click here for the catalogue.

(a)    Caregiver Care Management – Start by understanding the conditions of your loved ones to help you plan and manage their care. In the process of managing your caregiver role, practise self-care to avoid burnout. Find the training courses here to help you plan, organise and coordinate care delivery management.

(b)   Caregiver Care Delivery – During caregiving, it may be useful to acquire skills to help you manage key transitions to better care for your loved ones as they age.  Find the training courses here to help you perform hands-on care delivery.


Family Caregiver Proficiency Framework


To reduce the cost of training, caregivers can tap on SSG’s training subsidies and use SkillsFuture Credit to pay for the nett course fee, starting from November 2023.

There is also the enhanced Caregivers Training Grant (CTG) that caregivers can additionally tap on, to further defray the cost of training. The CTG, which is claimable from AIC, supports training for caregivers of seniors, family members and those with disabilities. Foreign Domestic Workers (FDW) who are caregivers are also eligible for CTG

We hope the training catalogue and resources will make things a little easier for you as you start to care for your loved ones while juggling other responsibilities and maintaining your health and well-being.


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Last updated on 12 Dec 2023