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Know Yourself allows you to discover and identify your career interests, skills, work values and learning styles, which will aid you in planning your education and career. This topic addresses the features and commonly asked questions about the tools.


  1. If the RIASEC Code score (e.g. C and I have the same score of 68) is the same, how does the system determine if a particular personality type is more dominant?

    The scores are calculated up to 6 decimal places of accuracy. Even if both RIASEC Codes end up having the same score of 68, the system will be able to determine if “C” or “I” is more dominant via its back-end system. Hence, in the Career Interests and Skills Confidence results page, the system will reflect the dominant personality type.

  2. What does the first, second and third letter in the RIASEC Code mean?

    Scored by low, medium and high on a scale from 1 – 100, with Low (1 – 28), Medium (29 – 63), and High (64 – 100). The RIASEC Code is expressed as a three-letter alphabet.

    The first letter describes your dominant trait. The second and third letters describe interests and personality trait in descending order from the highest interest area to the lowest interest area.

  3. I can use 2 methods, ‘Classic’ and ‘Drag and Drop’, to complete the tool. Which method is better?

    Both methods cater to different user preferences, but they will produce the same results. However, it is advisable to keep to the same method in completing the tool.

    ‘Drag and Drop’ is not available for mobile users.

  4. Can I complete a half-taken tool at a later stage?

    Yes, you can continue from where you left off. However, it is advisable that you complete the tool at one go. When the tool is completed in the same setting and environment, it ensures consistency and fairness that will lead to a more accurate result.

  5. How do I prepare for the tool?

    • Note that there are no right or wrong answers. It is a survey of your personal preferences to discover how you learn and work best.
    • Be completely honest in your responses. Do not provide an answer that you think is most appropriate for all students. Respond with what you truly prefer.
    • Be aware that some statements may appear to be duplicates or very similar to others. This is intentional. Just continue to be honest with every response.
    • Keep your responses private as they should not be discussed or shared during the exercise.

    You can go back and change your responses prior to reaching the end of the survey. Once you submit your final response, the results will be logged.


Video Guides

Check Account Balance and Submit Claims

Curabitur facilisis elit nisl, in suscipit turpis laoreet a. Aliquam lacinia dui quis augue auctor, non dapibus arcu viverra.

Check Claim Status and Manage Claim Cancellation

Curabitur facilisis elit nisl, in suscipit turpis laoreet a. Aliquam lacinia dui quis augue auctor, non dapibus arcu viverra.