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This field is required. Invalid NRIC/FIN. This is a valid NRIC/FIN.

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Please verify with the following details to retrieve your certificates.
{{downloadEcertOpenCert.idType === 'NRIC' ? 'Previous NRIC / FIN' : 'Passport Number / Foreign ID'}}
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Certificate Information

{{downloadEcertOpenCert.idType === 'NRIC' ? 'Previous NRIC / FIN' : 'Passport Number / Foreign ID'}}
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This field is required. {{invalidCaptchaMsg}}
{{searchData.recordCount}} record(s) found
Certificate Institution Cert ID Action
{{soaList.coursE_TITLE}} {{soaList.orG_REG_NAME}} {{soaList.cerT_SERIAL_NUM}}
{{qualList.quaL_TITLE}} {{qualList.orG_REG_NAME}} {{qualList.cerT_SERIAL_NUM}}
{{gceList.qualificationName}} {{gceList.institution}} {{document.openCertUniqueId ? document.openCertUniqueId : '-'}}
{{professionalList.certificationName}} {{professionalList.institution}} {{document.openCertUniqueId ? document.openCertUniqueId : '-'}}